One of the options homeschoolers have is to organize their school in a year-round fashion. Here we share our experience with having school throughout the year, and why
Frankly, we know, the more we teach kids to obsess on correctness in grammar and writing...the worse they write and the less motivated they are (oh no...did I end with
Parents often misunderstand cause and effect. Just because a kid is happy, it doesn't mean she will be when she grows up. We really need to aim at raising happy
Struggling with math is common for all of us, even those with a knack
for it. The truth is that math requires a kind of growth through stages,
which every child (yes,
From my book...The Absolute Quickest Way to Help Your Child Change I have a problem with being consistent, and sometimes it's just because I am too tired. How can I overcome
I just read a couple of articles about measures to hold parents responsible. Here's an excerpt:
It was conversations about what to do with lousy teachers that led to some of
Sometimes we just simply over-complicate things. Parenting is one of the easiest parts of our lives to do this kind of 'complexification' on.
Frankly, the deference to 'experts' is part of