What are the drawbacks to homeschooling? Well, there are three that come to mind. The first is isolation. Now when I say isolation is a drawback, I don't mean homeschoolers
What is conflict? Well, it’s when two people disagree…but in particular, they are each attempting to persuade or convince one another about their own view. Almost without exception this comes down to one word; OPINION.
There are many skills that are important for learning and becoming educated. Obviously there is communication, and of course, Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic (the Three R's). One of all of
Most of us think communication is difficult because we don't know how to say it right. Except for the problem of the curse on communication (see Genesis 11), the
Frankly, we know, the more we teach kids to obsess on correctness in grammar and writing...the worse they write and the less motivated they are (oh no...did I end with
The essential point of communication is to AIM AT MEANING. Most of the mess we are in comes from others 'telling people' what they mean, rather than finding out for