Parents often misunderstand cause and effect. Just because a kid is happy, it doesn't mean she will be when she grows up. We really need to aim at raising happy
Detroit Public Schools (DPS) president, Otis Mathis, admits he can’t write a coherent sentence. He further argues that he is a role model as a leader who can’t write. He’s
I want to encourage everyone to avoid underestimating the value of feedback in learning anything (especially writing). It is so important that you can simply rest on the fact that
From my book...The Absolute Quickest Way to Help Your Child Change I have a problem with being consistent, and sometimes it's just because I am too tired. How can I overcome
Sometimes we just simply over-complicate things. Parenting is one of the easiest parts of our lives to do this kind of 'complexification' on.
Frankly, the deference to 'experts' is part of
Jody and I have noticed a number of comments in some of the forums we frequent about helping children learn math facts.
Basically, what we mean by this is that a
Weekly I get a note or a question that sounds like one I received today, "Biggest challenge---being able to correct my student's writing myself. I know what sounds good, but I
I started out thinking I might want to explain why all the folks griping about grammar (and punctuation and spelling) on the internet need to relax. Look, I love grammar