We're convinced aim of education should be to help the student learn how to learn. How do you pull this off, especially in a homeschooling environment? How do you
Think about editing for a moment.
All it involves is going back through something written and looking for two things:
1. Any mistakes in spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.
2. Any ways to say
Re: My son rarely talks: how can he write?
Here's a note I got on this subject:
Dear Fred, My 10 Y.O. son is very quiet and has trouble saying or explaining
Here's a post I responded to about learning word meanings:
Need a suggestion… my 9 yr old learns differently. I pulled her from PS after finding out that her work was
So, the logic goes like this---
You can't really influence your kids, it's all genetics...so have more and enjoy them!
A new book by Bryan Caplan is well-intentioned; he wants parents to
Jody and I have noticed a number of comments in some of the forums we frequent about helping children learn math facts.
Basically, what we mean by this is that a