I'm pretty sure we don't often think clearly, which is why we should be laboring to teach our kids logic.
Of course, logic is all about making sense of things. Yesterday
In an imperfect world, we can't always get someone to say things just the way we'd like, but it does look like Dr. Jennifer Ashton (author of The Body Scoop for
I was reminded recently how important bedtime routines are for smaller children. Perhaps you haven't noticed, but it is the sworn duty of children to ---
Eat too much sugar
Resist directions
I picked up the following comment from a forum related to a homeschool curriculum we use.
If you skip to the bottom (my response), you see a simple reason to start
Probably not...we are probably not raising up a generation of leaders.
The reason is simple...we are raising up a passive, do-for-me generation. I may be the only person alive who has
I'm a big fan of anyone who gets it!
Today I ran across this article by Mrs. Silver which I found to be pretty nice on the topic of disciplining children.
You can
I'm not doubting the Barna research, but the conclusions seem pretty mistaken
I recently discussed this survey conducted by the infamous Barna research organization. All of friends responded with saying, "Sad." Next,
Parenting Teenagers is a trial of mythic proportions, true?
Really, isn't parenting teenagers just a matter of building on the parenting you've already done while you thought of your children as
Edward R. Murrow is noted for saying, "The obscure we eventually see, but the completely apparent takes much longer."
We really have to put the article from over the pond in