HOW TO HOMESCHOOLWe are often asking an almost good question...same here. It really isn't a matter of "How to homeschool?", but really, "How do YOU homeschool?"Every family has a lot
I just noticed on Amazon that a review of my book [THE INDEPENDENT HOMESCHOOL}, though kind about my YouTube channel, they dissed my book because of my criticism of Mass
"Where do I begin homeschooling?" I'm asked this often. There are a lot of places to start. You can ask the advice of your friends who homeschool, you can research, you can google, you can buy books, you can compare curricula, you can poll your kids
The answer is yes and no.
No—maybe not early on in your child’s education. Though, if you build it into the system, you're getting grades every day. For math in particular,
How do you start homeschooling? For this question, there are just three things you want to answer.
The first is: Where is your student? If you're looking to move them to
What about homeschooling a learning disabled child? To clarify, learning disabilities are a little bit different than special needs. Learning disabilities are things that are in the way of our